
Nut Buttery Baobab Smoothie

Nut Buttery Baobab Smoothie

*POW* breakfast ready and featured here with oatmeal splitting the smoothies seas, topped with granola and a dab of peanut butter.

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Beet Juice + Baobab Breakfast Bowl

Beet Juice + Baobab Breakfast Bowl

Fueling up for a hard working day requires solid nutrition from superfoods like powbab baobab fruit powder

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Immune Boost Baobab Smoothie

Immune Boost Baobab Smoothie

Topped with blackberries and a powbab antioxidant baobab chew for immune boost and anti-aging 💁‍♀️

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Baobab Pitaya Perfect Smoothie

Baobab Pitaya Perfect Smoothie

Exotic superfoods can brighten your day, and powbab baobab is antioxidant rich.

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Baobab Breakfast Plate

Baobab Breakfast Plate

Morning feast that is revved up and ready to go!

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Green Goodness Baobab Smoothie

Green Goodness Baobab Smoothie

Green baobab smoothie topped with coconut 🥥 yogurt and blueberry galore 🌀🌀🌀

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Squash Tomato Egg in a Baobab Wrap

Squash Tomato Egg in a Baobab Wrap

We love making this exclusive powbab recipe: Sweet potato 🍠 BAOBAB wraps, and wrapped with sautéed squash and a tomato egg garlic combination.

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Baobab Kale Stalk Smoothie

Baobab Kale Stalk Smoothie

We usually use kale leaves only and throw out the kale stalks, but the stalks look so good and what a waste always throwing them away.  Here's a great way to use kale stalks!

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Homemade Baobab Smoothie Pouches

Homemade Baobab Smoothie Pouches

These homemade smoothie pouches will help get extra nutrients and fruit blends into your kids for rough flu seasons or changing temperatures.

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Sweet Baobab Smoothie

Sweet Baobab Smoothie

Make smoothies...with a sweet POW💥!

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Fruity Baobab Shake

Fruity Baobab Shake

Cut up lots of fruit 🍊🍊🍎🍌🍓🍑🥝🥝🥑, pour in powbab baobab powder, and just go for it!

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Baobab Tea Smoothie

Baobab Tea Smoothie

Get revved up with this amazing smoothie with powbab baobab powder.

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