Go green with this veggie powbab® baobab smoothie recipe! Easy and most of the work is done in the blender, so start a healthy baobab smoothie trend in your own home. Our powbab® baobab adds needed Vitamin C and potassium. We love the zucchini addition in this recipe that the lovely therunningcarrot created. She marvels us with her love for powbab®!
2 teaspoons of powbab® organic baobab superfruit powder
1 frozen banana
Frozen steamed cauliflower
1/2 a zucchini
Baby spinach
Nut milk
Chocolate banana nut protein powder
Coco crisps cereal
Blend together ingredients for smoothie base. Add coco crisps to bottom, pour in smoothie base. In the middle of the cup add more coco crisps cereal and pour in rest of smoothie base. Add toppings and enjoy!