Puffy💨 powbab bowl of smoothie this morn 🤣, topped with a paleo vegan powbab baobab brownie bite. This also works great if you had a lot of dental work done, and chewing is not your forte right now 🤭. Onward and upward!
2 teasoons of powbab® organic baobab superfruit powder
1/2 mango
Chunks of pineapple🍍
1/4 apple🍎
1/4 pear
2 slices of orange
Handful of raspberries
Scoop of cooked oatmeal
1/2 chunk of steamed sweet potato 🍠
Splash of nut milk
Spoonful 🥄 of peanut butter 🥜
Homemade powbab brownie🍫 (click for recipe)
Blend🌪 together ingredients. Then, do toppings. Sprinkled with granola and and topped with a homemade powbab brownie🍫. Be healthy, go powbab!