Cold season, change in weather or a weakened immune system can trigger us to get colds or get sick. Easy to pass something around at work, school, playground, gatherings, travel, or any other public gathering. Our best offense is a healthy immune system. Here are a few simple tips to help prevent or accelerate recovery from symptoms such as a sore throat, headache, runny nose, cold spells, fever and muscle pain.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet which will be your first line of defense to fight sickness. Eating a variety of foods, thank all the rainbow colors, is especially important for a nutrient rich diet. Learn about the foods highest in antioxidants and incorporate antioxidant rich vegetables as well. Ultimately, food with vibrant color and freshness will catch your eye, and take care of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.
Examples include vitamin C, vitamin a, vitamin a, zinc, and a host of other micronutrients that are found in a variety of foods. Exploring new foods in your diet helps, rather than eating the same thing all the time.
Probiotics can help too. Our immune system is reliant on the health of our gastrointestinal tract, and probiotics support natural barriers, increasing the activity of white blood cells.
Sleep. Do not underestimate the need for quality sleep in order to stay healthy and look young.
Warm fluids. Keeping the body warm is essential to helping the immune system. Drinking hot water during cold weather helps a great deal. One idea is to do a hot ginger shot, which is easy to make and at first, it might be difficult to get it down, but you will get more used to it. Slice up fresh peeled ginger, and steep in water to make a very concentrated ginger tea. Drink it and you will immediately feel the heat as you swallow, excellent for sore throats or sinus congestion. It will open up your senses due to the heat and soothing properties of ginger.