We can't believe how many years it has been since 2011 when we started our creation of our original powbab® baobab superfruit chews®! How time has flown, and we are so happy that customers and people are discovering our baobab chews and loving them!
powbab® is the original creator of these baobab superfruit chews® and they are officially trademarked with the UPSTO office with official registration numbers. We value the protection given by the law and hope that you will find our baobab superfruit chews® pop up in even more stores in your area!
We thank every customer who has supported us and walked beside us in our journey. We are excited to bring you baobab superfood products that help people be more healthy. For those who wonder, what are baobab superfruit chews® and how can I buy baobab superfruit chews®, well, you have stumbled across the right place. Welcome to powbab® and discover our delicious and original baobab superfruit chews® that boost immunity using natural ingredients and raw and unprocessed fruit!