How Do You Pronounce Baobab Tree?

As with many words in the English language, there are many pronunciations that form over time. For Baobab, people have different pronunciations dependent on where they are from.

If you are from West Africa, it is pronounced as 'bau-bab

If you are from South Africa, it is pronounced as bay-O-bab or bay-O-bob


You can listen to how it is pronounced here: Merriam-Webster's dictionary pronunciation

Still feeling a little nervous about pronouncing Baobab fruit in front of your friends or at the store? We have a tip for you! Just remember:

powbab rhymes with baobab.

We at powbab® are a superfood company with products focused on the African baobab superfruit. Our premium organic baobab is from Senegal, which is located in the West African region. This is the reason why our powbab is for baobab. Easy to remember and easy to pronounce! Learn more about our baobab that is the first one on the market that is certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, Socially Responsible and Fair Trade. We lead with these values because they are important to us and our company philosophy. Check out all our premium superfood products today!

And there you have it! Now this brings us to: You Say 'Tomāto', I say 'Tomäto'... for a #throwback musical from:

Shall We Dance, with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers :) 



Curious About the Baobab Tree? Learn More By Watching our Video Now


 More on the Baobab Tree


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